Travelling to other countries and learn to love them...

Today you may be discovering all the world by digital media like Google Earth View and millions of websites. You will get plenty of information even in printed guides.
But nothing can be compared to the real experience of taste, smell and sounds of a real journey to a foreign country. With a small group you will enjoy all aspects of a destination and you will meet real people. A journey is a lifetime experience that may change your way of living & feeling!


Support the people of your tour destination

Especially in the time where there is a lot of negative publications about Greece, it is very important to support the people in this beautiful country. Already when you visit their country you will give them the feeling that there are still friends who respect their country and that they are not alone. We support family business and small hotels. So the people are paid directly and can invest in their business and their village.
It is a similar situation with our tours to Ethiopia. There are some official warnings for example not to visit the Danakil desert and the Afar people. All over the years we never had any problems with the locals, because we support and respect them. On of our dreams & plans is to support also an village that is mining on opal near Woldya. You may have seen the famous Ethiopian opal and you surely can not imagine that the people do not really benefit by selling their precious minerals. The need knowledge to find new places to do their mining, they need knowledge about the pricing and they need tools to polish the opal themselves.
It would be nice if we could get them better tools for mining and polishing the opal so they can get an better income to provide water & electricity & medical help to all people in the villages. We could get there as visitors, find or buy opal and support them financially and with technical material.

Our target of the tours is not just to "consume" a tour destination, but to support it. Sometimes also our critics is needed. There are many areas (even in Europe) that have no clue about the protection of enviroment and we can show them, that on our hiking tours we do not need road constructions to all sightseeing points, but hiking trails that respect the nature. We also stay longer in an area and we "consume" more in that area.

- we do not harm the enviroment
- direct economical benefit to the locals
- direct contact to local people & culture


Discovery geology, find treasures!

At some of our excursions with Nature Discovery Tours you may find rare minerals. With our geologcial hammers we discover beautiful crystals.  Tobias Schorr is a mineral- and fossilcollector since he was 12 years old and so he has always an eye on the rocks of the tour destination.


Discover nature & culture!

On the hiking trips with Tobias Schorr and his colleagues you will discover rare plants (like orchids!), watch animals and visit archaeological sites. Always we are keen on the hidden details of the area and no tour will be boring. A direct contact to the local people will create new friendships and suddenly you will not anymore feel foreign at the new country.